Caithness Businesses With Facebook Pages
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- A & S Agri Services Ltd
- A & W Sinclair Ltd
- A A J Mcivor Plumbing & Heating
- A D Henderson Groundworks
- A Frayed Knot
- A G M Batteries
- A J M Walling
- A M S Motorcycles
- A W Henry - Digger Work
- Aaron's Minibus Hire
- Aberdeen & Northern Marts
- Above and Beyond - Tours of Caithness
- Above and Beyond Tours
- Achalone Activities
- Adams Driving School
- Afterglow Tanning
- Alan Gow Groundworks
- Alishas Diner
- Alisons Slimming World
- All Chalked Up
- Allison Munro's Childcare - Registered Childminder
- Amalies Catering
- Amandas creative florist
- AMTE Power Plc
- Andy Sutherland Painter and Decorator
- Angela Mcintosh. Mobile beauty
- Angus Mackay Photography
- Annie's Bakery Ltd
- Aquitaine By Elly
- Argos
- Ashleys Glam Bar
- Atlanta Sports
- Auld Post Office Bed & Breakfast
- AURORA NMS - Northern Marine Services (Scotland) Ltd
- Autolux Detailing Solutions
- Autoparts Of Thurso
- Autoquip Motors
- Aye Tee Dept
- B & M
- B Risbridger Plumbing and Heating
- Bald Bear - Graphic Designer
- Bank Row Tattoos
- BBM Solicitors
- Beardychiel Designs
- Best Wishes
- Bews Butchers
- Bilbster House
- Bin Ends (Thurso)
- Birchwood Joinery
- Birons Ironmongers
- Bizzy l'Izzy's
- Blackfield Holding Bed & Breakfast
- Blackstairs Highland Wear
- Blackstairs Lounge
- Blue Door Coffee Shop And Diner
- Blushful Earth Handmade
- Boots The Chemist
- Bord De l'eau Restaurant
- Bower Busy Bees Preschool
- Bramley Landscapes Ltd
- Bruce Paterson, Drive for Results
- Bubble N Spice
- Buchanan's Caithness Strip-O-grams & Sing-O-grams
- Budding Engineers
- Bumblebee Bakery
- Burnside B & B
- Business Accommodation Wick
- C and K Turkish Barbers
- Caelin Reid Makeup
- Cafe Express - Expresso and Sandwich Bar
- Cafe Groats
- Cairn Hill Agriculture
- Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership
- Caithness Balti House
- Caithness Building Supplies
- Caithness Camping Pods
- Caithness Candies
- Caithness Car wash and Valeting
- Caithness Chamber of Commerce
- Caithness Chocolate
- Caithness Coffee Company
- Caithness Contractors
- Caithness Creative Imagery
- Caithness Curtain House
- Caithness Dog Training
- Caithness Driving Solutions
- Caithness Gardening Services
- Caithness Heating and Handyman Services
- Caithness Livestock Breeders
- Caithness Machinery Ring Ltd
- Caithness Mortgages
- Caithness Music Lessons
- Caithness Pest Control
- Caithness Print Solutions
- Caithness Reindeer and Friends
- Caithness Rural Transport (01955 605588)
- Caithness Seacoast
- Caithness Sight and Sound Ltd
- Caithness Summer Fruits
- Caithness Tool Supplies
- Caithness Ventilation Services
- Caithness Wildlife Tours
- Caithness.Org
- Cakes by Carrie-Anne
- Caligraphy With Grace
- Camoch Jewellery - Last day 12 January 2013 continuing online
- Camps Bar
- Capilla Tapas Restaurant
- Cash Point Auction and Sales
- Castle And Gardens Of Mey
- Castletown Chip Shop
- Castletown Police Station
- Cavendish Dounreay Partnership Ltd
- Celtic Firs - Tree Surgeon
- Celtic Firs Tree Surgery
- Charleston Farm
- Charlotte's Childcare
- Charmed Life Therapy
- Chocolates At Thurso
- Chris-Clean
- City Electrical Factors
- Clachan Bed and Breakfast
- Clean Crazy Ltd
- Clementine and Clove - Bakers and Caterers
- Clyth Charcuterie
- Clyth's Cracking Eggs
- Colin Mackenzie Removals and Storage
- Comm Bar
- Complete Kitchens and Bathrooms
- Cool Fads
- Coos Tail Gallery
- Crafty Little Studio
- Creag-na-mara
- Crossroads Caring Scotland - Caithness
- Cups Tearoom
- Cut Inn Barbers
- D & M Fraser
- D Sinclair & Co
- Davie Smith - Town and Country Groundworks
- Davy Crowden - Saw Doctor - Forestry
- Delights - Thurso Chocolate Shop
- Denchi Power Ltd
- Devitas
- Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd
- DIYnamo
- Dogs of The North
- Dome Escapes
- Dounreay
- Drop of Sunshine
- DS Roofing and Property Maintenance
- Dunbeath Castle Gardens
- Dunnet Bay Distillers Ltd
- Dunnet Forestry Trust
- e' Shed Joinery & Handyperson Services
- e' Shed Venue Hire
- Easy Beats /DJ to Hire
- Elibee Creative
- Elibee Gifts
- Elizabeth's
- Elizabeth’s Fabrics
- Ellegance
- Enhance by SLS
- Environmental Research Institute
- Equestrian Photography Scotland
- Eva Luzia Yoga
- Far North Aviation Ltd
- Far North Fencing Ltd
- Far North Fencing Ltd.
- Far North Film
- Far North Gifts and Gallery
- Far North Lift and Shift
- Far North Soap
- Far North Windscreens
- Ferguson Studios
- Ferry Inn Hotel
- Fi Fi's Perfect Pets
- Fifis Beauty Cabin
- Fiona Polson Outside Catering - Now Clementine and Clove Bakers and Caterers
- First & Last
- Flavours Ice Cream Shop - John O'Groats
- FlowerTastic
- Forse of Nature
- Forss House Hotel
- Francis Street Services
- G G Mackay contracting
- G Sinclair Painting and Decorating
- Gairland LLP
- GCM Services
- Geise Farm Walk
- Get Into Gear - Driving Tuition
- Glorious Gardens
- Goldilocks Mobile Hairdressing
- Gould Gardening and Property Maintenance
- Gow's Engineering Services Ltd
- Gregdec Ltd
- Hair of the dog caithness
- Hairtistic
- Halkirk Primary School
- Happy Days Ice Cream Parlour
- Harefield House
- Harper Macleod LLP
- Harpers Bar - Formerly Town & County Club
- Harrold Brothers
- Hazely Wazelys Books - Independent Usborne Organiser
- HD Bookkeeping
- Health and Beauty
- Healthy-ness
- Hendry Engineering and Agri contracts
- Hi-Scot Credit Union
- Highland Blast
- Highland Council : Education, Culture & Sport
- Highland Energy Assessor
- Highland Heal
- Highland Hospice
- Highland Hunters
- Highland Woodworks
- Highland Workwear Limited
- Highlander Surface Revive And Repair
- Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd - Wick John O'Groats airport
- Highlands & Islands Fire and Rescue Services - Thurso
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
- Highlands and Islands General Builders
- Highlands and Islands Roofing Services
- Hilltop Horse & Country
- Holborn Hotel
- Hoy Parcels
- HRI Munro Architecture
- HRN Tractors Ltd
- Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd
- Humanist Society of Scotland
- J & G Sutherland Ltd
- J and W Mackay - Biggins Farm
- J G C Engineering and Technical Services Ltd
- J H Plastering, Harling, Roughcasting
- J M MacKay - Design and Draughting
- Jacks flooring
- Jan Sutherland Floristry
- Jimmy's Taxis (01955 602727)
- JJ Fire and Safety Services
- John Gunn Plumbing and Heating
- John O'Groats Brewery Ltd
- John O'Groats Ferry
- John O'Groats Guest House
- John OGroat Journal and Caithness Courier
- John OGroats Mill Trust
- Johnstons Bakery
- JPL Shellfish
- JS & TT Ltd t/a Jim Bews
- Julie Fraser Photography
- Laidhay Croft Museum
- Langhills House
- Lara-Jane's Beauty Room
- Larus Digital - Websites and Digital Marketing
- Laura's Pet Portraits
- Le Bistro
- Leonie Cole - Dietitian
- Lichen Caithness
- Lidl (Thurso)
- Lifeboat - Thurso
- Lifeboat - Wick
- Lindsey Gallacher Studio and Workshop
- Lisa Weller Art
- Little Indies House
- Loch Watten House
- Lochside Dog Boarding and Walking
- Lybster Wool n Things
- Lynn's Childminding Service
- M M Miller
- M M Motors
- M Mackay Engineering Services LTD
- M&J Roofing Services
- Mac Engineering
- MacDonald's Bakery
- Mackay Design & Sales
- Mackay Underwater Technology Ltd
- MacKay's Hotel
- Made with Love by Lorna
- Maid in Caithness
- Malcolms Of Caithness
- Martin Polson Joinery
- Matt’s Crafts
- Meiklejohns Confectioners
- Meraki and Me
- Messy Nessy Playcentre
- Mey Selections
- Michael Stone Photography
- Mill Theatre
- Millbank Hair and Beauty
- Mitchell's Grounds & Gardens
- Mitchells Grounds and Gardens
- Monarch Locksmiths Wick Caithness
- Monica B
- Monster-Moves Caithness
- Morag's
- Morcant Green
- Mountain Dew
- Mowat Construction and Agricultural Services
- Mr Cs Bar
- MrB Decorating
- Munro Machinery Co
- Murkle Mutts
- Murray Anderson Floorcoverings
- MV Stormdrift II
- Naver Business Centre
- Navertech Ltd
- Neal Kinghorn Painter and Decorator
- Neal's Yard Organic At Home
- New Health Horizons Herbal Clinic
- New Look - Closed down 19 April 2022
- Nicola Mowat Driver Training
- No 1 Bistro
- Norscot Home Design Service
- Norscot Joinery Ltd
- Norse Stone Ltd
- Norseman Hotel
- North Coast 500 - Caithness 500 Route
- North Coast 500 Animal Farm Time
- North Coast Butchers
- North Coast Candles
- North Coast Emporium
- North Coast Excavations Ltd
- North Coast Explorer
- North Coast Motorhomes
- North Coast Visitor Centre - formerly Caithness Horizons
- North Coast Watersports
- North Design
- North Highland Cancer Information & Support Centre
- North Highland Publishing
- North Point Distillery
- North Rox Jewellery
- Northern Editorial
- Northern Sands Hotel
- Northfield Livery Stables
- Northlands Creative Glass - Ceased Trading 31 July 2023
- Northshore Pottery
- NorthStar Consultancy
- Noss Primary School
- P.Ronai Painter & Decorator
- Patchwork Plesaures Caithness
- Paw Prints
- Paws & Claws Pet Photography
- Peedie Prints
- Pens From Caithness
- Pentland Ferries
- Pentland Hotel
- Pentland Music
- Pets At Home
- Phil Anderson Financial Services
- Phillip Mould Upholstery
- Plowman's Carpets
- Pollards Estate and Letting Agency
- Portland Hotel
- Portskerra Fire Wood
- Positive talks
- Poundland
- Poundstretcher
- Precision Blinds - Thurso
- Precision Blinds - Wick Within Jacks Flooring And Pine Studio
- Primal Personal Training
- Princes Street Barbers
- Puldagon Farm Shop and Restaurant
- Pulteney Centre - Pulteneytown Peoples Project
- Pulteney Distillery
- Pure Glass WIndow Cleaning
- R & L Otley Parnership
- R Henderson
- R Paterson Electrical
- R Sutherland Electrical
- Randolph House Bed and Breakfast
- RDI Renewables Ltd
- Reay Golf Club
- Reay Police Station
- Reflections
- Reid's Fish and Chips
- Reids Bakery Thurso Ltd
- Rev Valeting
- Rise Dance Academy
- Riverside Interiors
- RMT Welding & Fabrication LTD
- RobbieMac Tours
- Rockwood Wells
- Royal Bank of Scotland (Castletown) - Mobile Wednesday only
- Royal British Legion Scotland
- S I D Building Services
- SAC Consulting
- Sams Furniture
- Santander Bank
- Scotec Events Limited
- Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Scotvapes Thurso
- Scouthal House B&B
- Scrabster Harbour Trust
- Seaforth Highlanders Club
- Sentry Industrial Safety
- Serco Northlink Ferries Ltd
- Serendipity
- Shelligoe Archery
- Sinclair Aerial Surveys Ltd
- Sinclair Butchers
- Sinkys Beer Garden
- Skinandis Nightclub
- Small Traders Association Caithness (STAC)
- Soft Furnishings by Jean
- Special Occasions Halkirk
- Speedy Skip Hire Ltd - Waste Management Solutions
- Spice Tandoori - Thurso
- Spotless Caithness
- St Johns Pool Bird Photography
- Stacks - Coffee Deli Bakery
- Stemster House
- Stitch your Style
- Strath Plant
- Stuart Mcintosh Building
- Super Drug
- Surf Hire Cafe Tempest
- Surf Wrath
- Sutherland's Pharmacy & Photo Lab
- Swelkie Sand Art
- T Banks Electrical
- Tartan At Heart - Business Ceasing January 2019
- Tat-or-Too
- Tesco
- Tesco (Thurso)
- The 'Corner' Town House
- The 1:1 diet by Cambridge Weight Plan - Caithness
- The Bay Dunbeath
- The Beauty Lounge
- The Bed House Of Park Lane
- The Bike Shop
- The Blue Tree
- The Body Shop At Home
- The Braes - Vegan Bed and Breakfast
- The Bridge
- The Cake Room
- The Captains Galley
- The Church Apartment at Lybster
- The Corner Cafe
- The Crazy Hog Restaurant
- The Crazy Hog Restaurant & Takeway
- The Flower Patch
- The Fragrant Mind
- The Francis Street Club - Now closed
- The Granary Lodge Bed and Breakfast
- The Harbour Chip Shop
- The Hawthorns
- The Kiln Store
- The Kitchen Place
- The Laser and Skin Clinic
- The Little Hope Gift Shop
- The Lybster Studio
- The Newmarket Bar
- The Nuclear and Caithness Archive Centre
- The Original Factory Shop
- The Peerie Cafe
- The Pixies Pocket
- The River Bothy
- The River House - Alexander Bain - Inntuitive Group Ltd
- The Skin & Beauty Studio
- The Skin Retreat
- The Soap Bakery
- The Sunbed @ Curl Up 'N Dye
- The Thurso Cinema Ltd
- Thermohaus Limited
- Thrumster Garage
- Thrumster Garage
- Thrumster House
- Thurso Bay Holidays
- Thurso Best Kebab
- Thurso Dog Walking
- Thurso High School
- Thurso Launderette Ltd and Dry Cleaners
- Thurso Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool
- Thurso Library
- Thurso Police Station
- Thurso Surf School
- Thurso Tool Hire Ltd
- Tickettyboo
- Tims Scrims Window Cleaning Service
- Together Travel - John O'Groats
- Tonys Fire & Stove
- Top Joe's Bar
- Tracey Marie Photography
- Tricia's Childcare
- Triple S Taxi
- Ts Cafe
- Video Viewpoint
- Viking Motors
- Virginia Crow - Music Lessons
- Vistravi Technology
- Vitality
- VMC Trophies & Engraving
- VMC Trophies and Engraving
- W & A Geddes Ltd
- W D Cormack & Sons
- Waterlines Heritage Centre
- Whittles Publishing Ltd
- Wick Community Council
- Wick Footcare at Hempriggs by DMG Podiatry
- Wick High School
- Wick Lets
- Wick Library
- Wick Police Station
- Wick River Camp Site
- Wick Sea Diving
- Wick Sea Fishing
- Wick Sports Shop
- Wick Swimming Pool & Fitness Suite
- WICK-ed Paintball
- William A Mackay Luthiery
- William Adam Mackay Luthiery
- William Mackay (Precast) Ltd
- Windhaven Cafe
- Woodside Store & Post Office
- Woolly Pig Paintings
- Works of Heart by Lisa
- Wrennyroo's Cakery